Adult Education – Finding Balance: Pursuing Justice & Nourishing the Soul With Rabbi Avi Winokur

Many of us are horrified by the current American political landscape and the assault on the poor, the vulnerable, minorities, and the environment. Many fear what we perceive to be a dangerous and directionless foreign policy and the degradation of our standing in the world. Whether it is fighting for decent health care, a living wage, environmental stewardship, support for education, and/or a host of other issues, the social justice principles that need our attention are overwhelming.

What can we do on any of these fronts? How can we keep from losing hope or losing our focus to the point where we become paralyzed to act? First, we must learn to cultivate our inner strength, endurance, and resilience. Then, we must find a balance between creating space in our lives for our families, our friends, and ourselves––without neglecting our responsibilities or sliding into inaction.

Join Rabbi Winokur for this stimulating class on Tuesdays: 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, & 3/6, 7–9 PM, in the Beit Midrash.

Adult Education