“Kol Yisrael arevim zeh lazeh.” All Jews are responsible for one another. The goal of God’s Unfinished Business, to which we affectionately refer as GUB, is to help and care for our fellow congregants. Some of the things that we do include cooking and delivering meals to members who are ill or who recently had a baby; visiting members who are sick (the mitzvah of bikkur holim); providing rides to synagogue services, doctor’s appointments, and medical procedures; making phone calls to members who are hospitalized, under the weather, or dealing with some type of hardship or loss; and lending support, encouragement, and individual assistance to any SHS member in need.
Please consider volunteering. Whether you have countless hours to give each week or you can only be available to help sporadically, we need you. Volunteering and serving on GUB does not require a set number of hours or a huge time commitment. You can devote as much or as little time as you would like. We are a small group of volunteers and, unfortunately, there has been a great need for our services lately. We will be able to better serve the community if we have a wider pool of volunteers.
Please make the time to do a mitzvah for a fellow congregant. For more information, or if you know of a congregant who would benefit from any of the services that GUB provides, please contact Julie Wilson.